Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jesse's Girl!!!

I left the desert May 7th to the PNW...minus Jesse! Jesse was left in the fantastic care of the Bossman for the summer to be near the shoesalesman. Last year the shoesalesman flew up 2 times during the summer to shoe both Jesse & Lady. This year we decided to leave Jesse in the desert where he can stay in great shape for the desert riding and not have to work so hard next fall to get back in to shape. With Jesse's asthma and his owy's the best decision for this year. Lady and I had had some great rides this summer...but we both miss our boy terribly!!!
So please indulge me as I post some my favorite pictures of Jesse!
Jesse we miss you and love you!
The Desert Rose!
And a big shout out to Auntie Danielle who takes such good care of our Jesse!!!