Monday, August 3, 2009

The Desert Rose Red Badge of Courage!

The Red Badge of courage is awarded exclusively by the Desert Rose or Jesse to those who show true courage when faced with a situation and must "cowgirl/horsethefuckup" (25 cents in the cuss jar) and just do it!
This last weekend those of us Pony Cousins lucky enough to have a horse or 2 got together for a couple days of rides. That is a different post...this one is to say that Dusty Devoe and her trusty Dusty had a parting of ways at the end of our 1st days ride. You know the statistics...most accidents happen less than 5 miles from home or in this case 5 minutes! Fortunately she was not hurt badly but did need some stitches and has a bad bruise on her back side. She did however get back into the saddle for our 2nd days ride for about 3 1/2 hours. I know she was nervous but she rode anyway. This had been her fist time to go off a horse!
2 stitches in that big fat lip of hers!
Yup...never wear your cell phone on the back of your belt...the side is your best bet for a no bruise fall!The cell phone did not fare so will need major face reconstruction!!!

So, to Dusty Devoe... Jesse and I proudly award to her...

Your Desert Rose!


  1. Way to go Dusty Devoe!!! I was really worried when you first went off! love you, Cowgirl jlynn

  2. Auntie Desert Rose, your sister is going to be more traumatized by these AWFUL pictures you splashed of her all over the internet than she would have been from her fall with Dusty. Just remember, paybacks are a bitch! Congrats to Auntie Devoe on the well deserved award!

  3. What happened to cause Dusty to go one way and her another? Just wondering....did he spook at a snake? This looks painful indeed! Hope she's walking better now! Lu

  4. Congrats Dusty Devoe!!!

    It's true about horse accidents happening close to home. My major one happened only 200 yards from the very end of our trail ride as we were riding back home.

    Dusty Devoe sure was one lucky cowgirl, too. I'd have given anything if my injuries were only a split lip and a bruised butt. sigh.


  5. Cousin Devoe, Some people pay good money for a lip like that! You're still a beauty. But as for Desert Rose for posting a butt crack picture of you, I can't wait to see what you do to her at the cousin stampede!! Hee! Hee!

  6. I thought you said you couldn't see anything! Pay backs are hell. Thank you for the award. I am going back Sat. on that same ride. Wish me luck. The lip still hurts like heck at times. A hard place to heal. Why am I not losing any weight! See you soon!

  7. Yikes!! Dusty! What a fall! Thankfully it was not really serious!!!


We wish you Happy Trails
Jesse and his Desert Rose!