Monday, December 28, 2009

Blue Boys...ah Girls!

I have been so lucky to have 9 of my 10 grandchilren with us on and off for the last 10 days!
2 different grandchildren...2 different tubs!

The water has blue fizzy's to make it very blue! We call this slime bath. The red water is the blood bad and the the pee bath! Anything to make bath time fun...for this Zsa Zsa~

Your Desert Rose!


  1. It's only fun when there are so many toys that you can't see the water.

  2. You are just too fun! Your grandbabies are just so lucky to have you :)


  3. Looks like you are having tons of fun! They are lucky kids for sure!


We wish you Happy Trails
Jesse and his Desert Rose!