Monday, March 22, 2010

There's A New Cowbaby in Town!!!

Yup...Baby Mason is here with us for a week while his Mom, Dad, and sisters are skiing in Aspen! I flew to Denver Saturday to pick him up...and fly back to Denver with him this Friday to deliver him to his family! Unfortunately...I have the "CRUD" and have been sick now for a week!!! Feeling better today though...hope the baby doesn't get it!!!
Your Desert Rose!


  1. He is adorable! I just want to kiss those cheekies! Hopefully you feel better soon. Jeff is going on Portola this coming weekend; he may or may not be hauling a rig so he might be out there. Are you staying in Denver long?

  2. My gosh, he is so cute! I have the crud too. I think I got it from you. I told you to quit kissing on me!

  3. Maybe you could fly to pick me up and then deliver me home in a week? ;)

    Grace, Travis and I are all sick! I think Grace is almost recovered, I'm getting there and Travis is just getting warmed up. I just love it.

  4. What a sweetie! You are going to be so exhausted by the time you return him! I bet Papa is in heaven too!

  5. What is it about spring and colds? Luckily I've managed to stay healthy, but I'm sure it's around the corner. Glad you enjoyed your visit with the little one, he's Q-T patootie!

  6. Oh man. I hope you don't give it to him either. Mom & Dad wouldn't be happy about that.

    Come October, I plan on giving you a run for your money with cute grandbaby pix!! Don't know yet if it's a cowpoke or cowpokette. Don't care :-)

  7. Another little cutie in your family! hope you are feeling better soon...

  8. How did you and Papa get so lucky to have him for a week! Did they send the Nanny???

  9. Oooh, sorry your sick! He is a cutie patootie! We'v escaped any sicknesses down here! Hope he doesn't get it...get well soon!

  10. What a cute little cowboy! Sorry to hear you've been sick, hope you are feeling better now.
    Did you ever receive my e-mail with my address for the magazine? Thought maybe it might go to Junk mail folder...

  11. Whew Finally found my way to wonderland. :):)

  12. Gosh! What a handsome dude!

    I hope his Mom and Dad know how lucky they are to have you. My parents would never and have never offered to go to all that trouble to watch my kidlets.

    I hope they do something very special for you to thank you. I would!


  13. yuou are such a nice gramma. I plan on helping out my kids with the grandkids as much as I can.

    My parents did alot for me and i appreciated it so much.

    That baby is WAY too cute and man do I love that age!


We wish you Happy Trails
Jesse and his Desert Rose!