Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Joke's on YOU!!!

Most of you know by now that the PONY COUSINS sure to love to have fun whether on or off their ponies! But...did you know that we are considered MASTER PRANKSTERS??? We come by this trait naturally...from our PONY COUSIN side of the family. We grew up watching our aunts & uncles playing pranks and jokes on each other as adults just like they did in their childhood. For the most part...our PONY COUSIN pranks in the past have been fairly mild, short and sweet kinds of things...until last year when the CUZETTES waged war on their mothers & aunts! These young and perky cowgirls got it into their heads to scare the living daylights otta one innocent sleeping sneaking into it in the dark and jumping on the beds of the unaware occupants. Since that time...there has been an ever increasing lack of trust between the generations within the PONY COUSINS that seems to have taken on a life of it's own.

Case in point at our recent 2010 PONY COUSIN STAMPEDE...the 6 Cuzsettes in attendance this year decided to play a practical joke on our dear sweet Cousin E who would never even harm a horse fly. They took advantage of her wonderful nature and plastered her true love heart's contents any and everywhere they could in her cabin. I was able to capture this sick act on digital film as proof of this demented prank!!!

This is NOT recommended viewing for the faint of heart!

Oh what wicked Cowchildren we have raised!

Your Desert Rose!


  1. LOL is that Clint Walker aka Cheyenne Bodie? We watch him every night on the Westerns channel, love it!!! What a good looking guy! ;-)

  2. Ha ha! I love it! I wonder how they got there?!

  3. The cuzettes must have learned from the best!!!

  4. yes...she sure had good dreams that night...asked us to leave the pictures up!!!
    Clint Walker...not many men looked like him...back then, my heart skipped a beat too!
    The Cuzettes have the very best taschers...The Good Time Cousins!!! *( Pony Cousins)

  5. He was pretty hot! I think my Dad has a small man crush on him too. He NEVER wants to miss an episode!

  6. Sooooo...I did not think it approriate to mention the Cowboy crushes that might be out there...

  7. Oh that Cheyenne still Cousin E's heart! That was quite a YAHOO I heard her holler that night! ;-) (Along with those strange ducks that started quacking around midnight....) xo
    PoNy GiRl

  8. Now...that's the kind of prank I wouldn't mind one bit. Nice bit 'o eye candy to fall asleep to, that's for sure!

    Very creative girls!



We wish you Happy Trails
Jesse and his Desert Rose!