Monday, May 14, 2012

A Ride to Remember!

Sorta by accident while "horseing around" on the internet I found this on OPB (Oregon public broadcasting) I am going to watch this in the morning at 9:30 on OPB.....and yes I am so excited :)))
Hope the link below works for you all to see it too! It is funny that I just posted my Happy Place being the PCT and, here it is!!!

Oregon Experience: Pacific Crest Trail: A Ride to Remember

Don and June Mulford share adventures along the Pacific Crest Trail in 1959.

I may have to rethink my goal of how many segments I can ride in 20 years ;)))
Your Desert Rose!


  1. Wow, that was a great video. You will have to meet her one day and tell her what a fan you are of the PCT. and them!

  2. Loved the video! I have such fond memories of riding the trail from Chinook Pass to White Pass as a child in 1957. Later, our family made many trips to different locations on the trail, our favorite being the Crag Lake area.

  3. You are so blessed to have the PCT nearby --- it just looks AMAZING! Wishing you many, many rides to remember!


We wish you Happy Trails
Jesse and his Desert Rose!