A good Cowgirl will always warn her posse of a long trail ahead so let me suggest you get the "beverage of your choice" and a comfy chair before you read this post...I had 180 pictures to sort through to tell this PCT ride segment! This was a about 3 months ago...I am way behind because of posting issues that are finally fixed!
Now that the cat is out of the bag that the Desert Rose has become addicted to the PCT I hope you will all join us for our ride segments from time to time. I am excited to say that The Bossman and I were able to get in our 2nd PCT segment ride in before I left the desert at the end of our season. Most of our desert season, the PCT is not ridable. Way too much snow and the road getting up to the PCT is not one of my favorites anyway...actually, I hate the highway that goes up to it!!! It is a true mountain pass road that follows a snake like path and makes me dizzy!
The saddle bags also have emergency gear in them. Astronaut blankets, water proof matches, whistle, rain gear, I could go on and on but will save it for another post! It does take me about 1/2 hour to get my gear together. Then of course my last real POTTY STOP before we leave!!!
This side of the "Crest" is so different from the other side! Not as many rock formations and not as much climbing...more gradual!
Mom....he must be a good guy cause you are going to get close enough to film him!!! We now think that he was a Rosey Boa???
Time for a photo opp...
Jesse is acting like he has been drinking all those MIMOSAS!!!
Now we come upon a water shed...this is where water is left for the PCT hikers when there is not drinkable water on the trail!
Sorry that I turned the camera...but Jesse sure knows that there is water in there and refuses to leave the water shed!
As I look around I realize that the bottom containers have holes in them and decide that it will be ok to let Jesse and Little Lady have water from them...using the little red waterer that I carry for them. Sorry no pictures of this, it is a 2 handed job as they push down hard with their muzzle to get every drop!
We decide to turn around and go back the same way...yes I am a loop girl, but we do not have a choice today and we are getting hungry. It is an hour ride back to the lunch spot we picked out for ourselves!Sure enough we see our "spot" ahead in the distance!
Close up of the lunch spot!
Ah yes...someone else wants their lunch even though they know that they will get it after we eat!
Great table!!!
Kicking back with the view!!!
Back in the saddle after we all had a great lunch!
As we rounded the bend we ran into an PCT hiker...you know one of those wild and crazy guys that hikes from Mexico to Canada??? Only this guy was stopping in one more day, he only had 3 weeks to hike! Last week it snowed up here, wonder what he did???
Just me and my shadow on the PCT!
An hour and 1/2 later as we round a bend the weather looks like it is changing on us AGAIN!
We make it back to the trailer (in the distance) just in time.
So even though we got very chilled at the end and almost blown away...it was a terrific ride!
So glad you rode along with us, I will not be posting for a few days as I am heading down to the desert to see Jesse for 5 days. I have a segment of the PCT planned for one of our rides...and other fun trails!
See ya'll on the Happy Trails!
Your Desert Rose!