The Bowl!
The Tripple Crown!
Pick your own treasure form this website!
Your Desert Rose!
The Tripple Crown!
Pick your own treasure form this website!
Your Desert Rose!
I really dooooo love him! Look teeth!!!
"We're just picking LICE off each other!!!"
Your Desert Rose!
Your Desert Rose!
Here I Posed her on the trail! Great Job B!
Look for more posts soon as we see if... she will earn her spurs!
Your Desert Rose and her PONY COUSIN TOY!
Sweet Pea and THE BOY ride drag! (Not in DRAG!)
The trail climbs up ahead.
"The End of the Target Trail!"
The Desert Rose!
2nd close up! Jesse already knows how to do this...he bucked me off once when he was a 2 year old!!!
1st cowboy...with the cow this time!
The Desert Rose Cutting Hat Box! Jesse and The Desert Rose's favorite Rodeo game!!!
Barrel Racer Close Up!
Check out this website for your own new hatbox!
Your Desert Rose!!!
So yes..............I am freaking out!!!
The Doc says that Jesse's lungs are clear, but he is not hearing a "normal heart beat" after working. It is like he has an"extra beat". The Doc recommended that we take Jesse to the Vet school and hour and 1/2 away for an EKG, chest ex ray and possible scope test. The Doc said he believes it is nothing life threatening but that we need to have it checked out. He decides to give Jesse a steroid shot that is an anti inflamatory and wants us to work Jesse tomorrow and see if he recovers any quicker after the shot.
THE BOY and his Shadow dog pose...but I told Shadow not to expose himself so THE BOY covered his privates!
At this time we are waiting for The DOC to schedule an appointment for us next week at the Vet school hospital. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this condition is treatable, and that Jesse will be back to himself on the trails soon!
The BOY plays with Jesse's mouth, which Jesse LOVES!
Your Anxious Desert Rose!
Ok...that's a better angle MOM! Now I look like I'm in charge! This HUGE Thoroughbred and Jesse take a ride with The BOSSMAN...who is really in charge! However...The BOSSMAN just divulged to me that Jesse is a better "Ponier" than a "Poniee"! He always wants to be in the he runs ahead! Guess this is just in his blood!
Do your horses work for their keep???
The Desert Rose!